The answer to the question "is 4WD necessary in Costa Rica?" is nearly always no. Since renting an SUV can be twice as expensive as choosing a standard car it's worth considering whether the extra capability is needed. Paved access to the most popular destinations means the majority of travelers … [Read more...]
Costa Rican Code of the Road
It doesn't take long to realize that there is a different code of the road in Costa Rica - at least if you want to survive it better not take too long... red = go? | arrows | ceda | danger boots | going straight | stupid | lights & siren | spares Traffic Lights, Yield and Stop Signs Check … [Read more...]
How to Rent a Car in Costa Rica
Renting a car in Costa Rica can be different - for example needing to decide whether 4WD is necessary or not. Other aspects are just plain bizarre, like the bumpy number requirement. If you want to skip all the fascinating quirks and just take the path of least resistance we've also written … [Read more...]
Stress Free Car Rental in Costa Rica
If you're reading this you've probably heard horror stories about renting cars in Costa Rica. It may be more expensive than you're used to but it doesn't have to be a trauma. Simple Instructions for Avoiding Frustration Reserve a car with an international rental agency or as part of a … [Read more...]
Credit Card Insurance
We always use the rental car coverage that is included as a free service of our VISA signature credit card. Other Options | Damage Claims | Fine Print Rental Car Insurance Using a Credit Card in Costa Rica For us there are a number of advantages to using our card coverage instead of buying … [Read more...]
Navigation & Drive Time
Getting where you want to go can be challenging but these tips should help. The best advice, use a free GPS app on your phone for turn by turn directions (but don't be a lemming). Also consider a good map for the overview, and ask for help early and often (our nifty waterproof roadmap has … [Read more...]
You Can’t Get There From Here
We frequently get questions about route finding from visitors planning to drive in Costa Rica where geography, weather, and (lack of) infrastructure can conspire to make it surprisingly difficult to get "there". We recommend a three pronged approach which includes a good map for the overview, … [Read more...]
Traffic Violations, Citations & Fines in Costa Rica
Most of Costa Rica's traffic laws are familiar to drivers from anywhere even if the tendency to treat the laws as suggestions is not so familiar. A valid driver's license from nearly any other country in the world allows you to get behind the wheel in Costa Rica. Like the U.S. and all of … [Read more...]
You GOTTA Be Kidding – Stupidity on the Roads
Never underestimate the sheer stupidity possible Costa Rica's roads. In 40 years of driving in some of the most infamous countries in the world I’ve never seen anything like it. The first time I drove down the ramp onto the new section of the PanAmerican between Liberia and Canas in Guanacaste I … [Read more...]
Best Car Rental Agency
Avoid _______ Rent-a-Car in Costa Rica Go ahead and fill in the blank. It’s finally happened. I’m pretty sure we’ve been worked over at least once by every rental agency in Costa Rica. In a couple of decades and dozens of rentals our we've had every imaginable major failure. We’ve experienced … [Read more...]
No, No, Your Other Izquierda – Passing Lanes
On Costa Rica's roads it seems derecho means "left" and izquierda is translated as "right" "tráfico lento mantener a la derecha" = "slow traffic should block passing lane" One afternoon when driving Costa Rica's "super-highway" 27 Sue and I both exclaimed simultaneously "Woah! Did you see … [Read more...]
Guide to Rainy Season Driving In Costa Rica
Roads in Costa Rica are not all designed to handle rainfall which can be problematic since it can rain…a lot. For example, tropical storm Nate caused widespread flooding, loss of life and wiped out sections of nearly every road on the Pacific side of Costa Rica. There's nearly always a weather … [Read more...]
Rental Car & Driving Tips
Driving a rental car in Costa Rica has distinct advantages and disadvantages, but if you do get behind the wheel you'll be happier and safer if you heed the driving tips below. Slow down and be careful. You are in an unfamiliar environment, and the unexpected is the rule rather than the … [Read more...]
Advantages of Driving in Costa Rica
(also see disadvantages) Convenience Outside of San José a private vehicle can be very convenient. In San José, you may find that parking and traffic jams make having a car more of a headache than it is worth. Versatility & Flexibility If the bed and breakfast you were planning on staying in … [Read more...]
Disadvantages of Driving in Costa Rica
(also see advantages) Cost As noted under advantages, a rental car can be budget friendly transportation. However with only one or two people, you'll pay more for the convenience. A four-wheel-drive sport utility vehicle isn't absolutely necessary, but there are many places you can't get without … [Read more...]
Costa Rican Rental Car Insurance Explained (Sort Of)
Auto insurance in Costa Rica is a government monopoly of the INS (Instituto Nacional de Seguros). Liability insurance from the INS is mandated by law, but provides only minimal coverage. Rental agencies offer supplemental programs that cover deductibles and contingencies other than a simple traffic … [Read more...]
Extra Costs of Renting a Car in Costa Rica
The Internet Price May be $9.95 a Day But it Will Cost MUCH More The most common complaint on any travel forum for Costa Rica is travelers getting "ripped off" by rental car companies. Hidden charges are a major complaint everywhere in the world but in Costa Rica it has been raised to the … [Read more...]
Okay to Break the Law
The normal flow of traffic in Costa Rica is often moving at around two to three times the speed limit which can make it extremely dangerous to abide by the law. If you slow down to 25 kph (15 mph) in the school zones on the Pan American Highway you may be rear ended by someone going 100. An even … [Read more...]
Fording Rivers
This brief introduction is not sufficient to make you qualified to ford. River crossings destroy vehicles and kill people. If you don't know what you're doing don't do it. There's Not Always a Bridge When You Want One Over half the rivers we used to ford on a regular basis have been bridged … [Read more...]
Remarkable Roadwork
Pothole Patching Like We've Never Seen in Costa Rica We spent a few days on the Caribbean coast a few weeks ago and saw a remarkable transformation. We started up north on Playa Westfalia and there was a crew with a truck full of asphalt, a few guys with shovels, a backhoe and a steamroller out … [Read more...]